Friday, August 8, 2014


We aim to create a place and a space for storytellers of all sorts to tell their personal story. We shall feature not only storytellers in Kentucky but also those who have impacted Kentucky with their stories, of leadership, people with special needs, entrepreneurs, Veterans,educators and innovators. Our technology will be the podcast interview. Our focus is the Life Story as unfolded and narrated by each creator.   Stay tuned.
Tom Hailey of Kentucky Voices and Views is a mentor. This project was conceived after Tom interviewed me, Paschal in a Kentucky Voices podcast. Q.V. You can listen with the Audio Player at the bottom of the blog post on the website at
We hope to feature first our disabled blind Veterans since I am Chaplain to our Lexington, Blind Veterans Chapter and we have some amazing stories there.

Paschal the Rascal, August 9,2014
Anniversary of the destruction of Nagasaki, second atomic bomb which ended the War with Japan a few days later, saving countless American lives that an invasion of Japan would have cost. These two  bombs are the only use of nuclear weapons in history. I was 16 years old and had
just failed a secret attempt to lie my way into the Navy with a falsified birth certificate,
stolen from my physician father's medical office, and unfortunately, incorrectly forged. .

Three years after WW2, I was a U. S. Arm private, voluntary enlistment, headed for 15 months on Guam as an Athletic Instructor in Special Services., starting 24 years of on and off service in the U.S. military. This was from 1948 to 1972 and including the Air Force R.O.T.C., U.S. Navy Reserve (two commissions) and was assigned  duty with the Marines in Tampa, Florida. Most of these was as a Reserve Chaplain, doing summer duty from coast to coast.